4 Haziran 2017 Pazar

Bao Troops

I love msv level 2. and more i love with smokes.

In imperial army, we have lots of options for that but only one of them can make 5 man link. They look still ok, although they are old models.

Baotroops are nice choice for msv. reasonable stats, They come with bs 12, wip 14 . high bts of 6 is noticeable. in cover it means bts of 9 and it is very good value against tohaa/haqqislam viral weapons and flash pulse attacks. i would prefer zhangying bioimmunity here,which would mean alot.

Baotroops have 3 different weapon types. Shotguns, sniper and combis.

There are 3 nice skills that make them interesting.

xvisor on combi and light shotguns pretty strong especially when they are linked.

Biometric visor which is something new with HS3, makes this troops very efficient against assasins. so you can use them as deployment watchers too.

MSV on sniper and shotgun variants are cool. I like cheap msv troops with shotgun. They are very efficient against tocamo infiltrators. Especially shotgun variant is very reasonable in price.

Bao troops have courage and can be needed time to time.

You can use them in 5 man link, which a pheasant unit can accompany. baotroops dont have a specialist option and by this way you can put a chain of command unit inside. why not madtraps ? you have only one pheasant unit chance to choose among.

Baotroops can also get in haris of a pheasant agent. There is only red fury,chain of command option for that which gives makes you short in variety that you can bring as tactical options. anycase having link options making one unit more strong and especially on msv troops , this makes sense more.

We have smokes but only celestial guards have them. in 5man link, they are more effective cause of the extra burst and bs+3. However when you have a 5man bao link, it can be more harder to organize your smoke path. But still you can link them before bao troops in active turn. Start the game with kuangshi link, throw the smokes march little bit and cancel it and by using a command token, you can link baotroops later.

I am torn in two about giving baotroops either 3 or 4 black dragons. but for the time being, i will give them 3. I need to be miser when giving dragons in imperial. Ok they are nice units, but when ever i am preparing a list for me, there are more essential units , that i take in priority.

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