19 Haziran 2017 Pazartesi


Kanren is one of the last units coming for iss. Instead of giving an other infiltrator to iss, corvus belli decided to give a forward deployment level 2 unit. for me, more or less same thing. Ok you can not push him to go ahead, but most of the time, 8 inch is enough for this unit to find a good spot to reach the buttons he needs to push.

Lets have a look at them deeply.

Kanren is a nice mini indeed. i am still waiting for an other one. this one with a colt in his hand suitable for all variants available.

kanren has ava 3. and there 2 things very special about him. holoprojector level 2 plus forward deployment level 2.

he basicallys starts the game 8 inch ahead of the normal deployment zone together with 2 fake identities. holo level 2 is working like camo most of the time, so these units are almost like infiltrators for iss army.

on stat base. they are lovely. cc19, ph 10 (meh), bs 12 fine, arm 1 and bts 3.

dont forget that he has also martial arts level 1. so here is one of the strong points of kanren. kanren is like a weak shinobu. let me explain. holo provides suprise attack. together with martial arts level 1, your opponent gets -9 modifier in close combat, while kanren attacks with a monofilament sword. kanren is very dangerous against strong troopers, especially against tags. and low ph is not an issue with this weapon.

all the variants of kanren has chain colt. so he can attack with chaincolt for free hit, if the opponent chooses to attack the fake holo.

you can see that kanren has boarding shotgun and combi weapons on all types.

all the variants are very strong and bringing many things to table. killerhacker cool, assault hacker nice. forward observer is strong and have affordable costs.

madtraps variant can be really useful on the table. 2 mad traps, 3 holos on the table with one unit , extremely defensive turret for the opponent.

one of the most unique units in the game, there is a minelayer kanren without mines. this option starts the game with sniffer which is already put somewhere in zone of control of the kanren unit. this variant is very strong against ariadna like camo infesting armies. starting the game with making camo units loose the camos they have. if you have zhangying lieutenant with sensor. even before using the first order, you can make it with liuet. order instead.

there are other things that kanren make. kanren can use holo level 1. he can show up like an other trooper. how about acting like a hvt figure . you can put 3 hvt model on the table and smile to your opponent. on especially highly classified, it is pretty strong tactic.

i love kanrens very much. in almost every iss list, there has to be one one kanren. i thought too much about giving them 4 or 5 black dragons but if i cant think about a list without kanren, it means they deserve to get 5 black dragons. i rate them 5 out of 5 black dragons. they are one of the most essential units after the famous kuangshis.

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