Authorised bounty hunters are available for any vanilla army . They have classy booty level 2 skill, that can create unexpected tactical options. the thing is that they are all irregular.
they were !!!
i will come to that part later. authorised bounty hunters dont have many avaiable models since generally they are given as trophies in its packages. motorcycle chick and an ugly combi variant are the only models that you can buy.
there is also miranda. on miranda we have many things to tell about. lets start with her.
miranda ashcroft has odd ! hard to hit unit movement 4-4 with reasonable bs value of 12. when she is irregular you have to spend order pool on her, without coordinated orders it sucks.
she has combi and boarding shotgun variants, which both ok. combi is good when you use suppression fire. shotgun is good when you get close with odd.
she has stealth like other authorised bounty hunters. it makes miranda more sneaky.

they were !!!
i will come to that part later. authorised bounty hunters dont have many avaiable models since generally they are given as trophies in its packages. motorcycle chick and an ugly combi variant are the only models that you can buy.
there is also miranda. on miranda we have many things to tell about. lets start with her.
miranda ashcroft has odd ! hard to hit unit movement 4-4 with reasonable bs value of 12. when she is irregular you have to spend order pool on her, without coordinated orders it sucks.
she has combi and boarding shotgun variants, which both ok. combi is good when you use suppression fire. shotgun is good when you get close with odd.
she has stealth like other authorised bounty hunters. it makes miranda more sneaky.
ikohl level 1 on an odd troop is awesome. you can sneak , attack and kill with your monofilament weapon. close combat 18 not bad, when you have a potential to kill someone only with one hit. nanopulser is also something nice against low bts value links,or an aro weapon relying on odd.
with wotan campaign, now miranda is regular in iss! well done. now she is also a specialist. awesome! and makes a fireteam duo with other bounty hunters. thats great!
these things bring a nice tactical aproach with her. dont forget that authorised bounty hunters have booty level 2. any bounty hunter can bring smokes, adhesive lunchers, hmg, sniper,grenades etc. which gives this duo a different way on each time they are used.
fireteam duo, brings miranda an impresive close combat attack chance. burst 2 attack with monofilament can be very deadly. if you hit twice to an opponent, it can be enjoyable to look at his face.
being specialist is always a plus. especially in imperial army, where sometimes hard to find space , while designing awesome link options. in imperial, sometimes we dont have many specialists at all after finishing all 300 points.
authorised bounty hunters already have some good weapon options like spitfire, sniper etc, if you are lucky you can get a nice boost with booty skill.
father sforza is an other authorised bounty hunter. he has already holo echo level 2. now he has regular option in iss as well. father is not forseen as before. when you take him irregular, your opponent has the idea when he sees the order tokens you have. now with regular option, you can keep him as a celestial guard or any other troop for late tactical options.
our father now have vdogged ability. holo, vdogged and dangerous weapons together is nice mix of things go well together. he has also heavy pistol for aro.
father has impressive weapons, that can change the game balance suddenly. please dont oversight that he has also xvisor while using these weapons.
adhesive luncher is great weapon. on 16-32 inch range band, normally any troop gets -3. father doesnt. bs 13 on 32 inch attacking range with suprise chance, even with one shot, dangerous.
viral rifle is also classy. bs 13 attacking viral suprise attack something that nobody wants to face. since this attack has also xvisor on it, you can attack till 48 inch with -3 only. imagine you see a troop on the other side of the troop outside of cover, you can try unexpected shots of 3 burst with bs10.
holo is a state for suprise shots and almost a camo state for your opponent.
check the weapons he has, once more. he can stand against anything. there is a tag, he has adhesive luncher, low bts enemies, killing them with viral. high bts value opponents, why not heavy pistol and nanopulser.
it is hard to evaulate these units in iss. when they were irregular, it is hard to give them 3 black dragons. and honestly was thinking about 2, before wotan campaign. but after wotan campaign buff, these units become better troops for iss. i can easilly give them 3 black dragons. i can change my mind later with 4 dragons later. must see them practically on the table. i am dyeing to use miranda duo link and father with after new abilities.

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