we have holo projectors. many of them. no faction can compete with us on holo thing.
in ISS, there are 3 strong options for us who have holo projector skills.
We have kanren (AVA3) - Father Sforza(AVA 1) and LuDuan(AVA2). totally we can 6 holo units with 18 holos on table. :P , well why not ? we can do that.
after sforza gain regular order type too, now iss has one awesome tactic. you can take a few holo level 2 units, use in coordinated move together and ask your opponent if he has an aro to spend. he can delay, which gives you chance to move in 2nd part of the order too. you can attack with suprise shot as well. its like camos acting together.
opponent can choose to attack directly to one of the echoes around. which is awesome for you. now you can fire if you like, without face to face most of the time then.
you are in profit.
an other idea is taking one master hitter like hsien hmg. he is strong even with 2 burst. taking him as the main troop. others will have only burst 1. but.... father sforza has fantastic 1 burst weapon called adhesive luncher. bs13 + xvisor makes him deadly.
an other idea i like is using fake holos to take attention of aros. move in front of a camo. the opponent will decide to aro or not. if they aro back, now they are discovered with their own decision.
you can use one of the fake holos to distract opponents' koalas, mines as well. it is obligation and they must react. so you dont worry about them anymore.
use a kanren killer hacker, get inside of the moran zone of the control and enjoy. or possible to use the kanren fake holos for your ninja waiting in to camo.
using 3 kanrens are very disturbing for your opponent. he will see 9 holos around and he will have ideas to hit one of them. maybe a nice idea is leaving the original holo infront of your opponent. he will think that it is a fake holo. evil! also try using some fake holos in cover. your opponent will think that the real one is the one in cover.
just one important thing to remind is, if your holo is hit, it is hit. so dangerous when you face template weapons. your fake holo can be hit by grenade and the real one can feel the pain. take care of the real user, when you will face shotguns, mines, grenades, missiles etc.
at the end, holos are like camo markers can be attacked. sometimes they are more useful, sometimes less. anyways, you need to practice a bit on using them.
in ISS, there are 3 strong options for us who have holo projector skills.
We have kanren (AVA3) - Father Sforza(AVA 1) and LuDuan(AVA2). totally we can 6 holo units with 18 holos on table. :P , well why not ? we can do that.
opponent can choose to attack directly to one of the echoes around. which is awesome for you. now you can fire if you like, without face to face most of the time then.
you are in profit.
an other idea is taking one master hitter like hsien hmg. he is strong even with 2 burst. taking him as the main troop. others will have only burst 1. but.... father sforza has fantastic 1 burst weapon called adhesive luncher. bs13 + xvisor makes him deadly.
an other idea i like is using fake holos to take attention of aros. move in front of a camo. the opponent will decide to aro or not. if they aro back, now they are discovered with their own decision.
you can use one of the fake holos to distract opponents' koalas, mines as well. it is obligation and they must react. so you dont worry about them anymore.
use a kanren killer hacker, get inside of the moran zone of the control and enjoy. or possible to use the kanren fake holos for your ninja waiting in to camo.
using 3 kanrens are very disturbing for your opponent. he will see 9 holos around and he will have ideas to hit one of them. maybe a nice idea is leaving the original holo infront of your opponent. he will think that it is a fake holo. evil! also try using some fake holos in cover. your opponent will think that the real one is the one in cover.
just one important thing to remind is, if your holo is hit, it is hit. so dangerous when you face template weapons. your fake holo can be hit by grenade and the real one can feel the pain. take care of the real user, when you will face shotguns, mines, grenades, missiles etc.
at the end, holos are like camo markers can be attacked. sometimes they are more useful, sometimes less. anyways, you need to practice a bit on using them.
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