This time, i want to investigate the lieutenant options and chain of command troops for you in the imperial army.
Celestial Guard
Why not ? high wip of 14, no swc cost to spend and only 13 points with combi rifle. since he is linkable, he can be protected in a link or you can add another combi variant and keep them in covered buildings. only problem is that you will never use your liet. order on him.
Hmg and sensor variants have lieutenant options. wip is standart 13. can you use a liuetenant order ? well maybe but not so great idea. depends on circumtances though.
He is born to be a liuetenant. he has the best wip value in the game. wip 17. strategos level 3 is nice, adding order and protecting your leader. I am not %100 sure about marksmanrifle ,because he will be an open target.
Advanced command option, which is for me expensive, can be useful. At the end he is a great leader, if you can find points to spend on him.
He is a great way to spend your liet. orders on. you can take hmg variant and kill stuff with one more extra order. there are 2 variants. however i would prefer hmg variant. wip is 14 and it is more than enough.
Crane rank
If you take a crane spitfire or multirifle which are the only lieutenant options, you will most probably use them in a link. he has resistance but you can not use your liet. orders efficiently. wip 14 is cool.
Pheasant rank
Here there are no options for liet. but a nice option to protect your army from loss of liet. circumtances. chain of command skill. boarding shotgun, combi and red fury options are nice and offering side tactics.
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